Thomas and Mary Jolly and four of their children

London, England

Wellington, New Zealand

The Asterope sailed from London on 26 June 1864, and arrived in Wellington on 7 October 1864. The ship weighed 603 tons and the captain was Adam Stuart.

On board were Thomas and Mary Jolly nee Snelling, and four of their children: Emily, Sarah, Martha and Benjamin. Older daughter Mary Ann was already living in the Hutt Valley.

Altogether there were 48 passengers plus cargo.

Thomas Jolly

Mary Ann Jolly

Martha Jolly

Benjamin Jolly

A newspaper report of the time had the following to say:

The fine clipper ship Asterope, Captain A. Stuart, from London, arrived in port last evening, after a passage of 92 days from land to land.

She left Gravesend on the 26th June, and Land's End on the 1st July; experienced light variable winds the first part of the passage; crossed the Line on the 31st July; passed the Meridian of the Cape of Good Hope on the 24th August; experienced severe S.W. gale off Kerguelan's Land which blew away the jib, split the foresail, and washed away poop ladders and part of the bulwarks on both sides; for the remainder of the voyage experienced light winds.

Was becalmed off Tasmania seven days, sighted it on 26th September; sighted Cape Farewell on the 1st October; experienced a strong S.E. gale of three days, and since light easterly winds and calms in the Strait, and arrived in port last night in beautiful order.

She brings 48 passengers, and there was one birth during the passage. Three old settlers have returned by the Asterope after a visit to the Mother Country, viz., Mr. and Mrs. Worsley and Mr. Edwards of Wairarapa.

A very superior bull and cow of the short-horn breed have arrived in excellent order; we understand they have been imported by Mr. Cauning and Messrs. Nairn Brothers of Ahuriri, whither they will be sent by the first steamer.

The Asterope brings a full cargo of general merchandise and is consigned to Messrs. Levin and Co.

The Wellington Independent of 11 October 1864, gave a listing of supplies brought in the Asterope's cargo.

Passenger List

Click here for the "Asterope" Passenger List

The Wellington Independent of 11 October 1864, advertized for passengers and goods for the Asterope's return to England.

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