Cheadle Moseley

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Cheadle Moseley is now known as Cheadle Hulme. Cheadle is a civil parish created in 1879 by uniting the townships of Cheadle Bulkeley and Cheadle Moseley. In 1894 and 1901 the Cheadle Heath and Edgeley areas were transferred to Stockport. The population of Cheadle Moseley was 971 in 1801 and 2319 in 1851.

Cheadle Hulme lies in the extreme western area of Stockport Borough on the low, fertile Cheshire Plain about 5 miles from the Pennine foothills. It lies along one of the Mersey tributaries, the Lady Brook (Micker Brook), which also runs through the neighbouring villages of Bramhall and Cheadle.

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