Sarah's Letter to Samuel Fletcher
on the death of her daughter Eliza Shotter

Wellington Jan 21 1863

Dear Son,

With pleasure I received your letter dated Dec 22 and are happy to hear that you are in good health and I hope you will remember that we ought to be thankful to God for letting us enjoy all the blessings we do. We received your letter that you sent with the four pounds in it and would have written sooner but were waiting for an answer from the other one I sent you. I have put all the family into mourning for your sister and I hope you will pay the same respect for her. I have not given Charlie the four pounds you sent for he was of no expense of the funeral nor during the time she laid. He has been a great deal in pocket for he has had a great deal of money given to him but he kept it to himself. I wish you to send me word if you wish me to give him the money or to send it back to you but let me know what is to be done. Be sure and write as soon as possible and let me know what I am to do for I want nothing but what is right.

Charlie has not given me anything belonging to her. We are all in good health, thank God for it. James and all the family send their kind love to you. Accept the same from your affectionate Father and Mother.

James and Sarah Peers
