Timothea Grimsditch's Extended Family

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Timothea's Parents

John Grimsditch

Timothea's Brothers and Sisters

Timothea Grimsditch
None known

Timothea's Grandparents


Timothea's Husband

Thomas Starky

Timothea's Children

Richard Starky
Geffry Starky
Peter Starky
Thomas Starky
Anne Starky
Eleanor Starky
Elizabeth Starky
Hugh Starky
Lawrence Starky
Christian Starky
Timothy Starky
Margaret Starky
Maud Starky
Katherine Starky
Mary Starky

Timothea's Grandchild

Nicholas Rigby

Timothea's Aunts and Uncles

None known

Timothea's First Cousins

None known

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