James and Sarah Peers and Family

Liverpool, England

Wellington, New Zealand

The Alma was built in Quebec, Canada in 1855 and owned by Carroll. Her home port was Cork and she was leased to James Baines & Company.

She sailed from Liverpool on Saturday 14th Febuary 1857 and arrived in Wellington on Friday 15th May 1857. She weighed 1070 tons and the captain was Hugh Ross. She had 10 cabin, 17 intermediate and 383 steerage passengers.

Among the steerage passengers were James and Sarah Peers formerly Fletcher nee Wharmby, and their children Samuel Fletcher, Eliza Fletcher, John Peers and Joseph Peers. Samuel and Eliza were from Sarah's first marriage.

Also on board were Joseph and Elizabeth Lomas and their daughter Harriett. Harriett was eventually to marry Samuel Fletcher.

James Peers

Sarah Peers

Joseph Peers

Samuel Fletcher

Passenger List

Click here for the "Alma" Passenger List

Upon Arrival
The New Zealand Spectator - May 16th, 1857

The 'Alma', Captain Ross, one of Messrs Baines & Co's Black Ball line of vessels arrived last night after a favourable passage of ninety two days. We are sincerely glad to be able to report that there has been no sickness on board during the voyage, and from the testimonials to her commander, from both cabin and steerage passengers, which we publish elsewhere it will be seen that the passengers express themselves well satisfied with the treatment they experienced. During the voyage there have been 3 births and 4 deaths (children). Through the courtesy of Captain Ross we have received the English papers of 11 February, from which will be found extracts of the latest European intelligence.

Wellington,15 May 1857 - To Captain Hugh Ross

Dear Sir - We beg to present you with this sextant as a token of our regard and as a remembrance of the voyage we have made in the Alma under your charge, and you may believe that though we part here, you will leave none but wellwishers behind you. We shall not soon forget your cordiality and kindness and hope that the voyage through life of you and yours may be as prosperous and pleasant as our passage in the Alma.

H.W. Carr, G.D. Hamilton, A.E. Ellice, Ben Tydd, P. Houghton, R. Malcolm, A. Mariette

Wellington, New Zealand, May 1857 - To Captain Hugh Ross

Dear Sir - While we feel most grateful to Almighty God for his manifold mercies to us, we do most sincerely and gratefully thank you for your kindness and consideration for our comfort on all occassions; and we take this opportunity of expressing our admiration of the consumate seamanship you have displayed, which has resulted in your making one of the finest runs ever accomplished, and has bought us in health and safety to our adopted home.

With our best wishes for your happiness and that of Mrs Ross and family
We are, dear Captain Ross
With great affection and respect
Very truly yours (signed by 132 steerage passengers)

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