Click on a title below to listen:
X Barcarolles for piano
- Barcarolle 1
- Barcarolle 2
- Barcarolle 3
X Fiddle-faddle Suite for piano
- 1. Razzle-Dazzle
- 2. Okey-Dokey
- 3. Roly-Poly
- 4. Super-Duper
- 5. Dilly-Dally
- 6. Willy-Nilly
- 7. Hotch-Potch
- 8. Mumbo-Jumbo
- 9. Hurley-Burley
X Seascapes for piano
- Seascape 1
- Seascape 2
- Seascape 3
X Variations on Hymns by W.H. Monk
- Dear Lord, on this Thy servant's day
- O Perfect Love
- Christian! Seek not yet repose
- O Jesu, Lord of light and peace
- God that madest earth and heaven
- Abide with me
Click on a title for a pdf of the written music:
X Barcarolles for piano
- Barcarolle 1
- Barcarolle 2
- Barcarolle 3
X Fiddle-faddle Suite for piano
- 1. Razzle-Dazzle
- 2. Okey-Dokey
- 3. Roly-Poly
- 4. Super-Duper
- 5. Dilly-Dally
- 6. Willy-Nilly
- 7. Hotch-Potch
- 8. Mumbo-Jumbo
- 9. Hurley-Burley
X Seascapes for piano
- Seascape 1
- Seascape 2
- Seascape 3
X Variations on Hymns by W.H. Monk
- Dear Lord, on this Thy servant's day
- O Perfect Love
- Christian! Seek not yet repose
- O Jesu, Lord of light and peace
- God that madest earth and heaven
- Abide with me
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